HAYA LABS L-Arginine / L-Ornithine / L-Lysine / 100 Caps.

HAYA LABS L-Arginine / L-Ornithine / L-Lysine / 100 Caps

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Product Code: L-Arginine / L-Ornithine / L-Lysine

Tags:  growth hormone

Haya Labs L-Arginine  L-Ornithine  L-Lysine is a super effective amino acid supplement, which stimulates the production of growth hormone, helps to increase the size of the muscles and speeds up the recovery process after intensive physical activities.

Increases growth hormone production  
Increases muscle size
Speeds up the recovery process
Powerful immune stimulator
Increases strength and energy
Stimulates fat burning processes
Decreases cholesterol levels
Improves metabolism
Neutralizes the loss of muscle mass
Supports sexual function
Haya Labs L-Arginine L-Ornithine L-Lysine contains a combination of the arginine and lysine amino acids, which stimulate the production of growth hormone. The product’s matrix also contains the amino acid ornithine, which increases the impact of the other two active ingredients. Arginine promotes the division of cells, neutralizes the harmful effects of the free radicals and increases the size of the muscle mass. This amino acid supports the immune system and the sexual function and it also improves the mood.
The formula of Haya Labs L-Arginine L-Ornithine L-Lysine includes the amino acid lysine, which regulates the nitrogen balance in the body, plays an important role in the building of skeletal muscles and speeds up the recovery processes after high-intensity workouts. Lysine also supports the transformation of fatty acids into energy and reduces the level of bad cholesterol.
The blend of Haya Labs L-Arginine L-Ornithine L-Lysine also includes the amino acid ornithine, which stimulates the metabolism of fats, promotes liver health and supports the immune system. Ornithine stimulates the processes of recovery, eliminates the loss of muscle mass and reduces the risk of injuries due to weightlifting activities.

One does: 4 capsules
Recommended use: Take 1 serving per day before sleep
Servings per container: 25