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Tags:  babbling teethginkgo biloba

  • Improve your strength and endurance in a natural way;
  • Increase testosterone levels into the physiological range;
  • Promote lean muscle mass;
  • Lower the body fat;
  • Improve blood circulation in the brain and limbs;
  • Increase concentration;
  • Improve mental function and memory;
  • Help for normalizing the blood pressure.

Tribulus + Ginkgo is a water-spirit extract from the herb Tribulus Terrestris and Ginkgo Biloba. The product has been developed using special technology from a high quality Bulgarian raw material, which is world renowned for its phytochemical composition.

By successfully combining extract, technology, and professionalism, our team managed to develop Tribulus + Ginkgo and to achieve a maximum concentration of beneficial substances in just one 100 ml packaging.

How does Tribulus + Ginkgo function?

Tribulus + Ginkgo stimulates the production of two gonadotropic hormones: luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). LH is directly responsible for testosterone production which rises its levels within physiological limits.

On the other hand, FSH regulates the growth of spermatozoids in the testicles. The addition of Ginkgo Biloba improves the blood flow in the body. Clinical research shows that usage of Tribulus Max increases the number of spermatozoids and their mobility. That is why the extract is recommended in some cases of infertility.

Tribulus will:

  • Improve your strength and endurance in a natural way;
  • Increase testosterone levels into the physiological range;
  • Promote lean muscle mass;
  • Lower the body fat;
  • Speed up recovery after heavy physical and psychological stress;
  • Help to lower the cholesterol level in your blood;
  • Increase potency;
  • Promote the good mood.

Ginkgo will:

  • Improve blood circulation in the brain and limbs;
  • Increase concentration;
  • Improve mental function and memory;
  • Help for normalizing the blood pressure;
  • Improve athletic performance – both strength and endurance;
  • Regulate hormone levels;
  • Remove fatigue, depression, and acedia;
  • Help for keeping good eyesight;
  • Improve sexual functions.

Tribulus + Ginkgo intake: 

  • 30+/-after 30+ years testosterone production begins to slowly decrease. Here is where Tribulus + Ginkgo comes to aid. It is enough to take 3 ml twice a day in a period of no more than 12 hours. The cycle's length can be of 2 months with a resting period of 2 to 3 weeks.
  • 40+/-after the 40th year in the first month, the intake can be increased to 3ml three times a day. During the second and third month, the intake is decreased to 3 ml twice a day in 12 hours period.
  • 50+/-after the 50th year, the beneficial effect of Tribulus + Ginkgo food supplement begins to be more necessary. Its properties are very suitable for people of this age. It helps the reduction of cholesterol in the blood. It has an antibacterial and diuretic effect. It is recommended for the whole period of intake (up to 3 months) to take 3 ml three times per day after eating, with a resting period of 2 weeks.

Tribulus + Ginkgo for Women:

Tribulus Max extract has a healing effect not only in men but in with women. From ancient times the herb found broad use in different types of female discomforts. It has the unique ability to regulate hormones.

  • Eases menstrual pains.
  • Increases estrogen levels.
  • Slows the aging process.
  • Tribulus + Ginkgo can find application in some types of infertility.
  • Regulates fat exchange in a natural way and by doing so hampers fat storage. This is an invaluable aid in battling excessive fat.

Tribulus + Ginkgo for Sports:

Tribulus + Ginkgo is used by athletes for:

  • Gaining muscle mass.
  • Increasing strength and endurance.

This is achieved thanks to the natural influence of Tribulus Max over testosterone levels. The increased testosterone levels certainly would lead to improved results.

  • The product is not a medicament, but a food supplement.
  • In case of any side effects, its intake should be suspended.
  • If you suffer from chronical diseases consult your physician before using.


  • Do not exceed the recommended intake
  • As with other food, supplements seek professional advice before using if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or suffer from food allergies, and consult your doctor or pharmacist if you have an underlying medical condition (e.g. diabetes, epilepsy, hyperthyroidism), or if on medication
  • The product is not intended to treat or prevent any disease
  • Food supplements must not replace a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle
  • You should carefully read all product packaging and labels prior to use

Tribulus + Ginkgo Biloba’s liquid herbal extract comes in a dark glass bottle and it is sealed with a cap.

It is stored in a dry and cool warehouse. 

The product is manufactured according to ISO 9001.


Single dose:3 ml
Serving per container:33
Recommended daily intake:Take 3 ml three times a day after meals.
Recommended intake period duration:For best results must be taken for three months.
The cycle can be repeated after two weeks break.
Ingredients:Tribulus Terrestris herb, Ginkgo Bilobawater, ethanol. Active substance: 20%.
Storage:Store in a dark and cool place. Keep out of reach of children!
  • This product is a dietary supplement.
  • Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.
  • Do not use, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Do not use if inner safety seal is broken.
  • Not intended for use by those with serious medical conditions.
  • Consult with a physician before use.