AMIX Glutamine + BCAA

AMIX Glutamine + BCAA

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Availability: In Stock

Brand: AMIX

Product Code: Glutamine + BCAA

Tags:  glutamine

Natural flavor:500g

Glutamine + BCAA is a food supplement containing branched-chain amino acids with optimal ratio 2:1:1 and the same amount of micronized L-Glutamine.

L-Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body, comprising more than 60% of the free amino acid pool in skeletal muscle and greater than 20% of total circulating amino acids.

Amino acids BCAA are the building blocks of protein, which contributes to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass. The combination of these essential amino acids (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine) makes up approx. 33% of the total muscle protein.

» 10 000 mg of BCAAs and L-Glutamine per serving

Recommended dosage: The basic daily dose is 2 scoops (10g). Take 1 scoop (5g) approx. 30-60 minutes before training and 1 scoop (5g) after training. Mix 1 scoop with 250-300 ml of water or juice.