HAYA LABS Fo-Ti Root Extract / 100 Caps.

HAYA LABS Fo-Ti Root Extract / 100 Caps

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Product Code: Fo-Ti Root Extract

Tags:  stressinsomnia

Fo-Ti Root Extract is a food supplement which stimulates the immune system, prevents and fights early signs of aging and does miracles for skin and hair. Based on an extract from Fo-Ti plant, it serves as a powerful regenerator and health booster.


Stimulates hair growth
Strengthens the muscles
Fights high cholesterol
Prevents and fights gray hair
Positive effect on insomnia
Boosts the immune system
Improves kidney function
Helps with fertility issues
Stimulates blood flow
Anti-inflammatory properties
Reduces stress levels
Improves brain function

Originally coming from China, Fo-Ti has found wide usage in healthcare and cosmetic industry. Best known for its anti-age effect, the herb has many more unique healing properties. The legend, surrounding Fo-Ti, says that the man, who found it by accident and started using it as a medicine, lived to see his 160th birthday in perfect health.  

Fo-Ti Root Extract from Haya Labs contains extract from the roots of Fo-Ti, it comes in practical packaging and easy to digest capsules. The studies on this remarkable plant continue to this day, but it is believed that the regular intake stimulates the production of superoxide dismutase, a powerful antioxidant, linked to DNA repair and longevity. Fo-Ti is also rich in zinc and iron and has a distinct harmonizing effect on the hormonal production within the body. Due to its positive effect on hair growth and skin treatment, the herb is often used as an ingredient in beauty products.

One does: 2 capsules
Recommended use: 2 capsules a day, preferably with food
Pack size: 25