Premium Protein Powder BIOTECH USA Casein Fusion 2 lbs

Premium Protein Powder BIOTECH USA Casein Fusion 2 lbs

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Availability: In Stock


Product Code: Casein Fusion

Tags:  protein powdercalcium caseinate


Casein Fusion is a high-quality protein supplement produced in the BioTech USA laboratories. And it is thanks to its high protein content that contributes to the growth of muscle mass and its maintenance. BioTech USA has designed this product to be taken just before going to bed and ensure a supply of amino acids throughout the night thanks to the characteristics of slow absorption of the special mix of proteins that compose it.

HOW TO USE: Mix a dose of 30 g with 350 ml or skimmed milk. Take one dose a day before going to bed.

INGREDIENTS (Double Chocolate Taste): Calcium Casein, Micellar Casein, Milk Protein, Cocoa Powder, Sweetener: Sucralose; Thickener: E466, Aroma: Chocolate, Stabilizer: E340, Anti-caking agent: Silicon dioxide, Emulsifier: E471, Coloring: E160a.