SHAPER Immuno Powermix / 60 Caps.

SHAPER Immuno Powermix / 60 Caps

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Product Code: Immuno Powermix

Tags:  immunostimulators

Immuno Powermix by Shaper is an immunostimulator with the tonic effect that strengthens the immune system and has a favorable effect on treating cold diseases, upper respiratory tract irritations, fibromyalgia, and diabetes. Its ingredients also have a favorable effect on the adrenal gland's functioning and digestion.

Features and characteristics of Immuno Powermix:

  • Strengthens immunity

  • Tonic effect

  • Powerful antioxidant 

  • Anti-inflammatory action

  • Neutralizes free radicals

The Astragalus, main ingredient of the Immuno Powermix, is also known as the treasure of Chinese medicine. It Is one of the most powerful natural antioxidants and it has an extremely strong stimulating impact on the human’s immune system. Astragalus contains a rich complex of amino acids, flavonoids, polysaccharides, vitamins and soluble micro and macro elements, including organic selenium, which is completely absorbed by the body. 

There are studies proving that Astragalus contains a chemical which is able to activate the enzyme telomerase that is called the immortality enzyme. Its main function is helping the protracting of the telomeres which increase the life cycle of the DNA cells. The modern medicine focuses on the Astragalus researches because of its favorable effect on cardiovascular system, its antiphlogistic characteristics, and anti-aging qualities. Astragalus increases the interferons and macrophages production which favors immunity restoration even with cancer patients. 

In the same time, Immuno Powermix contains Elderberry that is known as the most powerful potion for a strong immune system. Its fruits are rich in anthocyanin compounds that are extremely important for the free radicals neutralization, contain huge quantities of pectin and cellulose. The Elderberry is a natural remedy which possesses antiviral and anti-influenza qualities. 

One dose = 1 capsule

Doses in one package: 60

Recommended daily dose: Take 2 capsules daily after meal with lots of water.


Do not exceed the stated recommended daily dosage.

The product should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Do not use this product if you are pregnant or nursing.


Astragalus extract, Elderberry powder, Vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin В6, Vitamin В1, gelatin, cellulose, separating agent: MCT powder.