HAYA LABS Vitamin E 400 IU / 100 Softgels

HAYA LABS Vitamin E 400 IU / 100 Softgels

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Product Code: Vitamin E 400 IU

Tags:  Vitamin E

Vitamin E was discovered in 1922 in green leafy vegetables, but only recently is seen as a powerful antioxidant. It is oil-soluble and difficult to be absorbed. It is stored in adipose tissue and liver. This element offers many health benefits, especially in the prevention of diseases due to its powerful antioxidant properties.


Powerful antioxidant
Supports vision
Encourages the formation of red blood cells
An important nutrient for good cardiac function
Supports the immune system
Promotes  growth and health of skin and hair
Helps for optimal use of vitamin A and iron by the body
Promotes healing of wounds, eczema and other skin problems
Protects fatty acids in the body
Prevents oxidation of LDL cholesterol

Vitamin E  is a term for a group of related compounds called "tocopherols" and "tocotrienols", occurring in 4 basic forms: alpha, beta, delta, and gamma. Alpha-tocopherol is the most common and most biologically active. Recent studies indicate that different components of vitamin E are probably responsible for different effects. For example, scientists believe that alpha-tocopherol is preventing the production of free radicals, and gamma-tocopherol neutralizes the existing. Since vitamin E is a group of nutrients it is nice to find a product that contains all the types of tocopherols, which would contribute to greater benefits.

HAYA Labs Vitamin E 400 IU (with mixed tocopherols 400 IU) is 100% natural and contains all four components of the tocopherols as a complete supplement formula. The natural form of vitamin E is the most powerful and active form of the antioxidant, as it is better absorbed by the body.  Vitamin E in this formula is derived from soybean oil, and it is significantly more potent than the synthetic form.


One does: 1 capsule
Recommended use: Take 1 dose 2 times daily with food
Pack size: 50