HG 449 colour intensifier for granite, blue stone and other natural stone types / intensifies colour and protects HG 449 colour intensifier for natural stone types / brings the colour back to life

Colour intensifier for granite, bluestone and other natural stone typesDarker types of natural stone such as dark granites, hardstone, bluestone, etc

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  • HG Bulgaria

  • Ивал Инвест ООД
  • София, Bulgaria
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Availability: In Stock

Brand: HG

Product Code: HG 449

Tags:  preparation for cleaningrestoring and enhancing the color of stone

Colour intensifier for granite, bluestone and other natural stone types

Darker types of natural stone such as dark granites, hardstone, bluestone, etc. will show signs of wear and tear after time. This results in dull, grey patches and frequently used walking areas.

HG color intensifier for granite, bluestone and other natural stone types will not make the surface slippery nor harm the natural breathing process of the stone.

How do you use HG color intensifier for granite, bluestone and other natural stone types

Follow the steps below to bring the color of natural stone completely back to life with HG color intensifier for granite, bluestone and other natural stone types.

  1. Clean the surface, preferably using HG super remover. Any cement and/or mortar residues can be removed with HG color
  2. For marble, hard stone or other calciferous natural stone.
  3. Leave the surface to dry for three days and then apply HG color intensifier sparingly using a clean, lint-free cloth.
  4. Treating a large surface? For larger surfaces, apply HG color intensifier evenly using a mohair roller and then polish with a clean, lint-free cloth.
  5. After a maximum of 5 to 10 minutes, the color enhancer will have absorbed into the stone.
  6. Remove any surplus very thoroughly using a dry cloth and possibly turpentine.
  7. On very porous surfaces, repeat the treatment until the surface no longer absorbs the color intensifier.
  8. For a glossy finish, polish the surface after 30 to 40 minutes.
  9. You can walk on the surface after 4 hours and after 3 days you can use it normally again.
Build Dust and Liquid
Type of surfaces Stone
Properties 250 ml. - Concentrated solution
Quantity 50 ml 250 ml
Package Contents 250 ml. - 1 x Cleaner