HAYA LABS Omega 3 1000mg. /100-200-500 Softgels

HAYA LABS Omega 3 1000mg. /100-200-500 Softgels

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Availability: In Stock


Product Code: Omega 3 1000

Tags:  omega 3

HAYA LABS Omega 3 is a high-quality supplement in gel capsules with powerful anti-inflammatory action. It helps to function of the cardiovascular system and stimulates brain function. 



Powerful anti-inflammatory action 

Supports the cardiovascular system 

Speeds up recovery 

Stimulates the growth of muscle mass 

Reduces high blood pressure 

Stimulates the immune system

Supports the nervous system 

Reduces cholesterol 

Strengthens bones 



HAYA LABS Omega 3 contains fish oil, a natural source of essential omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA). It has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and accelerates the recovery process. This supplement helps improving heart function, reducing high blood pressure, strengthens blood vessels, reduces bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Omega-3 fatty acids stimulate cell growth and promote the building of lean muscle mass. 


HAYA LABS Omega 3 stimulates the natural defenses of the body and improves the function of the nervous system. The product can have pain relief action and can improve joint health. HAYA LABS Omega 3 contains fish oil, that strengthens bones, helps vision and promotes hormonal balance by controlling the function of the pituitary and thyroid.

One does: 1 tablet
Recommended use: Take 1 dose 2 times daily
Pack size: 100 / 200 /500