HG 174 quick descaler / effective and rapid descaler

  • $11.80

HG 174 quick descaler / effective and rapid descaler

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  • HG Bulgaria

  • Ивал Инвест ООД
  • София, Bulgaria
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Availability: In Stock

Brand: HG

Product Code: HG 174

Tags:  scale stonelimestoneelectrical appliances

  • For hot-water equipment
  • Removes scale and limescale
  • Extremely effective

Scale and limescale deposits in coffee machines and other hot-water equipment mean the heater elements use more energy, which makes them less efficient and the elements wear out earlier. Furthermore, not using a coffee machine descaler for a coffee machine does not improve the flavor of the coffee.

Reason enough to regularly use a descaler for your equipment. The instructions for scale removal differ from hot-water appliance to hot-water appliance and the hardness of the water is also an important factor in removing scale and limescale.

The descaling method depends on the type of machine.

Use as coffee machine descaler:

  1. Dilute 50ml of HG quick descaler with half a liter of water and pour it carefully into the reservoir of the coffee-maker.
  2. Use the machine the way you would when you make coffee.
  3. Pour the descaler solution down the drain. If the machine does not percolate properly, repeat the treatment with a new mixture of coffee machine descaler.
  4. Finally, clean the machine three times with clean water to ensure no limescale or unwanted tastes remain.

Use as kettle descaler:

  1. Dilute 50ml of HG quick descaler with half a liter of water and pour it carefully into the electric kettle.
  2. Do not switch the kettle on, but leave the liquid to work cold for approximately 40 minutes.
  3. Pour the solution down the drain. If the scale has not disappeared completely, repeat the treatment with the kettle descaler.
  4. Finally, rinse the kettle thoroughly after the treatment.
  5. The kettle is ready for use.

Build Liquid
Properties removes
Functions removing scale and limestone
Quantity 500 ml
Function electrical appliances